Why Preparing For a Change of Plans May Be the Best Plan of All
Plans are important. You’ve got to have them to know what direction to head. But it’s just as important to be ready to shift, and to maneuver when change happens. Because it will. In a rcent episode of the Compounding Change with Shannon Davis, Bryan Lefelhoc, founder of Bryan Media Strategies shares his story of rolling with the punches through a long career in the ever changing marketing industry
The Power of Evolution in Business and Life
This episode is all about the importance of adaptability and continuous growth. Bryan's story of career transitions—from a high school dream of becoming a DJ to founding his own digital marketing company—is pretty much what Compounding Change is all about.
Bryan’s experience in radio marketing laid the groundwork for his current success in podcasting and digital marketing. As he explained, the shifting landscape of radio pushed him to adapt, taking his expertise to a growing digital world. “All those changes almost on a daily basis through my career kind of led to this, which is pretty awesome.”, he says.
Key Lessons on Personal and Professional Growth
Shannon and Bryan also touched on how staying purposeful and having a long-term vision drives sustainable success. Bryan emphasized the importance of planning with intent: “What’s the vision? What’s the purpose? What are you trying to accomplish one year, five year, 10 years down the road?”
This mindset is a reminder for listeners to align their daily actions with a bigger picture, an approach that has served both Bryan and his clients well.
Business On Purpose
Bryan also opened up about how his wife joined the business, bringing her detail-oriented skills to assist with clients. Their partnership is a testament to how change can be a family affair. He gets a bit emotional when he talks about her, saying, “She is probably the hardest working, most tenacious to detail, most caring person, perhaps walking the planet... It’s perfect.”
Their shared journey, from different career paths to building a business together, highlights how unexpected changes can open doors to new, fulfilling opportunities.
This episode of Compounding Change is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand how small, consistent actions can lead to significant personal and professional transformations.
Shannon’s thoughtful questions, and Bryan’s experience over many years, offers valuable lessons on embracing change, building purposeful businesses, and adapting to new circumstances.
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